Monday, August 6, 2007

[Jott from Joel MacDonald] Outreach to friends the context makes all the difference in the world. You walk...

Jott From Joel MacDonald

Outreach depends on Context:
You try to walk into a bar where a bunch of bikers have gathered and offer to pray. See how quickly you are out on your ear. But if just minutes before you have been across the street providing comfort and compassion to one of them who's wife has just suddenly died, and now enter the same bar where his friends have gathered to console him, now walk in and offer words of comfort and the opportunity to pray. Context makes all the difference.
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Friday, August 3, 2007

Grandpop and Grandson

This is a treasured photo, a picture I look forward to enjoying for years to come. I am sure Nathan must be waving hello to me!

[Jott from Joel MacDonald] Hey, just letting all my tech friends know that I found this neat new service ca...

Jott From Joel MacDonald

Hey, just letting all my tech friends know that I found this neat new service called that allows you to record notes to your e-mail account or post to your blog site using your cell phone. Just call into it and it sends it.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Ear Surgery

Ear Surgery went well. We arrived a Dr. Greenbaum's office in Philly at about 7:15 am and were headed home at about 10:30 am. He only did one surgical removal to remove the carcinoma. I go back in 2 weeks for removal of the stitches.
See our family site for photo.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Check out the new grandson,

Check out the new grandson, Nathan Chase Doyle

Other photos posted at:

Saturday, June 30, 2007

VBS Last Day, Friday

Last day of Southwood's VBS with 155 in attendance.
Raised over $700 for a ministry in Watts, LA

Rabbi Joel and youth pastor Brian Thompson
Brian as Andrew
Bethany, Tribe Team Leader
Dottie in Kitchen

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Rabbi Yo-el praying in the Southwood Synagogue

VBS Second Day

Rabbi Yo-el consulting with 3 wisemen

Monday, June 25, 2007

VBS, First Day

Lot's of Dads and Moms came to check out how much fun their kids were having.

VBS, First Day, Monday June 26

A great first day in the Jewish markeplace. 133 kids in attendance. A great time was had by all as we learned about this strange new rabbi in town, Jesus.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday, June 24 am Message

John 17:1-12, "The Real Lord's Prayer - Part 1"
Message preached can be found at: in the Current Messages link
Notes and Powerpoint are posted; audio should be up after Monday
You can subscribe to the audio feed via iTunes.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Dottie, My wonderful partner in life

Dottie is the love of my life, my partner for life, loyal confidant, greatest encourager, and soon to become a grandmother (amazing, since she looks so young!).

Pastor Joel's New Blog

Welcome to my new blog. I have set this up primarily for my Southwood Church family. I hope it will be a strong encouragement for your walk with the Lord as you experience His grace each day and grow in your enraptured worship of His magnificence.

Stay tuned for insights and updates. I plan this to be:
1. Devotionally honest, practical encouragement of what it means to walk in the presence of God.

2. Resources from the internet that will encourage your journey.

3. News and notes of Southwood happenings, often posted immediately from my handy cell phone.