Jr. and Senior High youth group spent the night at Chic-Fil-A, Tuesday night June 10. Lot's of Southwood people came to show support for the Costa Rica Missions Team. I even got to hug the cow.
Last Sunday in my "brief" message on Senior Sunday, I mentioned a group at Harvard called the True Love Revolution. Here's the link to the True Love Revolution page at Harvard College's website. Visit the True Love Revolution homepage. This reference came from an article at Chuck Colson's Breakpoint. You can subscribe to his audio podcast commentary on iTunes. In the article he mentions the research on the hormonal release of oxytocin that occurs when there is intercourse, birth, and breast-feeding, a hormone that is involved in creating deep psychological and physiological bonds between people. Is this what Paul is referring to in his letter to the church at Corinth? 1Co 6:16 Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, "THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH."
Colson also had a great series of commentaries on teen culture last week. You can read them here or listen to them here. Check out especially his commentary on May 30, "Rebels with a Cause: Teens Doing Hard Things." He introduces Alex and Brett Harris and their book, Do Hard Things. At 16, they served as the youngest Supreme Court interns on record in the state of Alabama. At 17, they launched www.TheRebelution.com, now one of the most trafficked Christian teen websites on the Internet. At 18, they began touring the country talking to teens. And at 19, they became published authors when their book Do Hard Things hit the stores. Check these out. The whole teen series is well worth the read and/or listen. I highly recommend subscribing to Breakpoint through iTunes and loading it on your iPod.
By the way, all you iPod newbies, Pastor Joel will be teaching an evening course, "iPod and Other Audio Things," in the Gloucester County College Continuing Education program, Tuesday evenings, in September. Stay tuned.