Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reading List

Here is a list of books that I either have read or am reading.


Current Readings
The Web that has no Weaver; Understanding Chinese Medicine by Ted J. Kaptchuk, O.M.D.

Execution; the discipline of getting things done by Larry Bossidy (Honywell Internatiional) and Ram Charan (author of Wht the CEO wants you to know)

True for You, But Not For Me; Deflating the slogans that leave Christians speechless by Paul Copan

Memory Book; the classic guide to improving your memory at work, atat school, and at play by Harry Lorayne & Jerry Lucas (former member of the NBA)

How you can develop a pefect memory; Never forget again! by Prof. A. Loisette

Reccent Reading

The Soul of Science; Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy by Nancy R. Pearcey and
Charles B. Thaxton

Total Truth; Liberating Christianity from its Cultural Captivity by Nancy Pearcey, forward by Phillip E. Johnson

Augustine to Freud; What theologians & Psychologists tell us about human nature and why it matters by Kenneth Boa. You can find the content of this book at Ken Boa’s web site, Reflections Ministries: The book is Dr. Boa’s Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oxford University in England.

The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant. Will and his wife Auriel are the authors of the eleven volume series, The Story of Civilization. [Wikipedia]

Christianity and Western Thought; A History of Philosophers Ideas & Movements, Vol 1 (from the Ancient World to the Age of Enlightenment by Colin Brown.

Trusting God; Even when life Hurts by Jerry Bridges

MEN Made New; an exposiion of Romans 5-8 by John R. W. Stott

Renovation of the Heart; putting on the ccharacter of Christ by Dallas Willard

Money, Sex & Power by Richard J. Foster (author of Celebration of Discipline. Ken Boa uses this b book as a framework for his teaching series by the same name.

How Should We Then Live; the Rise and decline of Western thought and culture by Francis A. Schaeffer

The Church at theEnd of the 20th Century by Francis A. Schaeffer

True Spirituality by Francis A. Schaeffer

L’Abri by Edith Schaeffer

The Tapestry by Edith Schaeffer

The Church Before the Watching World by Francis A. Schaeffer

Death in the City; the relevance of the message of the Bible to the twentieth century world

The God Who is There by Francis A. Schaeffer

The Mark of the Christian by Francis A. Schaeffer

He is There and He is Not Silent

The Story of Christianity by Justo L. Gonzalez (Vol. 1 -The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation)

The Story of Christianity by Justo L. Gonzalez (Vol. 2 - Reformation to the Present Day)

these two books by Gonzalez are the course texts for a course taught at Covenant Seminary

Ancienty and Medieval Church History

Reformation and Modern Church History

The Story of Christian Theology; Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform by Roger E. Olson

Turning Points; Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity by Mark A. Noll

When God Weeps; Why our sufferings matter to the Almighty by Joni Eareckson Tada and Steven Estes

The Christian Mind; How Should a Christian Think? by Harry Blamires

Where is God when it hurts by Philip Yancey

and then there is some relaxing technical reading:

Publishing a Blog with Blogger; Vvisual QuickProject by Wlizabeth Castro

The Everything Blogging Book by Aliza Sherman Risdahl

Web Design Garage by Marc Campbell

Hacking Firefox; tame the fox with custom themes, extensions, and more by Blake Ross, Firefox Co-Creator

Firefox Secrets (Sitepoint)

.... and more to come

I am grrateful for my Barnes and Noble Nook that has the capacity to hold around 2400 books that I have scanned into pdf form. This is a nice way to carry around a sizeable library plus it has the wireless capability to download the Barnes and Noble inventory.

more on my book archiving and cataloging using Readerware and online catalog using The Library Thing” Click on the Search tab and then in the “Members and locations, type “pastorjoel” you should get one result found with a link to “pastorjoel” click on this link or go directly by this link link: Not everything is there yet but when you are trying to catalog several thousand books, it takes awhile, especially when they are scattered among several boxes in several rooms and a POD.

Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. Ecclesiastes 12:12

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Continuing Practice of Faith

Continuing Practice of Faith

How do you apply faith in challenging situations?
I certainly would not claim to be an expert. Like the medical field, I am still practicing. So here is what I am practicing. I have previously posted how helpful Isaiah 40:21-31 has been to me. Philippians 4:13 has also been helpful. (Philippians 4:13) I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Part of the challenge is to find the balance between being and doing. Our tendency is to practice in the direction of doing. We more easily practice as human doings rather than human beings. Human doings like the measurability of doing. You can check off reading the bible 1 hour each morning, attending church, serving in a specific service, etc. “Check-off Christianity” is easy to measure. Inner character is harder to measure but a much more accurate measure of character. Jesus indicates as much: (Matthew 15:19) For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

The definition of Faith that I have edited from Ken Boa has been helpful. The definition of faith connected to Philippians 4:13 would go like this: I can do everything through Him who give me strength. This is my choice to make this statement from God’s Word my truth and reality regardless of my feelings, circumstances, or the pressures of my culture. Making the right choices and praying this verse back to God is helpful in the application of faith. Paying goes something like this: “God, I choose to trust in your strength for my needs to day. I ask for you gracious help through my tiredness, the trembling of my hands and the trembling of my legs, my lack of appetite. Help me to remember to honor you in everything today.”

May you discover the deep satisfaction of seeking to please God in this practice of faith.