Friday, September 26, 2008

Enriching material

In these days of my brain tumor journey, I am very sensitive to keeping myself healthy: spiritually, physically, and mentally. I really value some of the podcasts that are available. I'll try to give you my list with links to sign up in iTunes. I listen to Chuck Colson's Breakpoint regularly. He's on the radio with a 3 minute commentary Monday through Friday but setting up iTunes to automatically download his latest audio commentary is the easiest. It is just like your newspaper and magazine. You don't have to call them every day or month to remind them to mail you your latest issue. One of Breakpoint's recent, commented on William Law's classic, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. In the commentary, Ken Boa's commentary on the greatest books is mentioned. You can subscribe to Ken Boa's Great Books CD each month at the bottom of that commentary. Nine of them ca be found at "Great Books Everyone Should Read" You can get a digital text copy of William Law's book and audio reading copy at Christian Classics Ethereal or get copies of his complete works at the Internet Archive.

My favorite podcasts:
1. Breakpoint (Chuck Colson)
2. Desiring God (John Piper)
3. DTS (Dallas Theological Seminary) chapel
4. Family Life Today (Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine)
5. Focus on the Family (Dr. James Dobson)
6. Grace to You (John MacArthur)
7. Insight for Living (Chuck Swindoll)
8. Let My People Think (Ravi Zacharis)
9. Nuclearity
20. Probe Ministries
21. Reflections with Ken Boa
22. TWIT, This Week in Tech (Leo Laporte)
I know there is a way to export this subscription list as an opml file so that anyone has an automatic xml linked file to the podcasts. I just don't have this down right now. Later. I had myself scheduled to teach a course in the Gloucester College Continuing Education program entitle, "iPOds, MP3s, and Other Audio Things" Maybe later?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Intriguing Question

As I continue to be intrigued at God's timing in allowing this 2 inch mass to press against my brain, I raised a question to Dr. Aubrey Malphurs. I met Dr. Malphurs at Dallas Seminary while we were vacationing in Texas. I have several of his books and know that he devotes a lot of time addressing how churches can strategize to be more missional in their purpose as a church. I met with him at the seminary for an hour and a half on July 29. I picked up his book, Advanced Strategic Planning at the bookstore and have been reading and reading it. There is a lot in the text but excellent insights on how to proceed in developing and implimenting a strategic plan for moving your church in new directions. I recently emailed him and asked him, "In reading your book, I can't find in the strategic plan where the senior pastor gets a 2 inch mass in his brain as a part of the plan?" I guess I will have to write that Appendix.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Medical updates

If anyone is interested in my medical updates, check out my family blog which we will be updating as much as possible.

We appreciate everyone's support and prayer.